A Parent’s Perspective

We’ve been doing a lot of thinking over the past couple of months about what the best educational setting is for R. Much like our questions about camps, we’ve wondered if we are doing the right [...]

Inclusion Is Great. Now What?

The following article originally ran on The New Normal, a blog of the NY Jewish Week. We are proud to share this piece here as the author has also been a mentor in our Matan Institutes. The [...]

Truly Celebrating Our Children

Sitting in a café, waiting for my next meeting, slowly sipping coffee, playing on my phone, while actively trying not to listen to the two women sitting next to me. That quickly proved [...]

Parashat Terumah – All Our Gifts

In recognition of Jewish Disabilities Awareness Month, Rabbi Rebecca Schoor is the third contributor to our weekly D’var Torah (word of Torah) where guest bloggers will link the week’s Torah [...]

The Other Side of the Bookstore

“Excuse me, where’s the parenting section?” “What exactly are you looking for?” “Nothing specific,” I lied. “Just browsing.” The truth was that I had just come from the doctor, where I had been [...]

Including Caily – A Reflection

I am always asked why I fight so hard for inclusion. Why do I care so much? The short answer? I believe that God wants every person to be in this world. The Torah teaches us that people with [...]